If Not Right NOW, then When?
The Fun-duh-mental Household: 5 Steps for Organizing Your Home Using an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) aims to make life easier by helping you organize contacts, household routines, finances/bill pay, and very important papers. By getting rid of paper clutter and becoming better organized, you'll be surprised how it eliminates stress and gives you peace of mind.

“Nonprofit management and leadership vision play a powerful role in assisting people in need. The impact of your nonprofit programs and services stretches throughout local communities and beyond. Qualified leadership is a necessity to handle the sheer quantity of people requesting your programs and services. For this reason, I highly respect your professional leadership and your humanitarian efforts. I wish you the best for a successful endeavor.”
Rita McCoy
Former Executive Director

I developed my coaching sessions in hopes of helping new nonprofit leaders better understand the challenges, tactics, strategies, and importance of their programs and services. Sure, I have made some mistakes and learned from them, but more importantly, I conquered surmountable obstacles. And you can too!
Meet The Fun-duh-mental Coach
As an Emmy Award-winning TV executive producer, former nonprofit executive director, and professor, Rita McCoy, shares her over-twenty years of collective knowledge and experience about running a nonprofit organization.
Impressed by the missions and altruism of nonprofits, she created a TV program that highlighted and promoted hundreds of nonprofits in her community. After serving on numerous boards and committees, she accepted an executive director position for a nonprofit that helped provide financial assistance to breast cancer patients struggling to pay monthly bills.
Enlightened by her experience, she brings to you coaching sessions based on her book The Fun-duh-mental Leader.